During the past year of 2018, the Board of Directors of the Downtown Woodstock Business Improvement Association approved funding to several of its members for six Façade / Restoration Grants in the central business district. In total this was an investment of $20,350 by Downtown Woodstock which leveraged over $80,000 in direct improvements and property development in Downtown.
Business Improvement Area, President John Thompson noted, “The Downtown Woodstock BIA is very pleased to assist and support six more downtown businesses and property owners. Some examples of the upgrades include the new steps and railing at the main entrance to the Woodstock Farm & Craft Market, repairs of the brickwork at 616 Main St. to help to maintain and preserve the character of one of the town’s historic properties. Our commitment to development was evident in our investment in 104 Connell St., which would have been torn down leaving a vacant hole in our Downtown, instead our investment provided the incentive to redevelop the property which now offers a revitalized space for commercial and residential use.”
The Downtown Woodstock Façade / Restoration Improvement Program has provided financial assistance since 2015 to BIA members for large and small projects such as:
• The installation or replacement of any signage, canopy or other associated business identification
• The cleaning and/or repointing of existing brick on the exterior of the main building
• The repair and/or replacement of architectural elements that are original to the design of the building, or are like the architectural style of the building
• The replacement or installing of any exterior windows or doors
• The replacement, renovation or installation of exterior front steps, handrails or walkways
• The installation of any landscaping details including, but not limited to; sod, shrubs, trees and plant beds.
• The replacement or installing of any exterior windows or doors to the building in its entirety
• Eliminate siding in favour of brick or wood, or sand blasting painted brick to restore original appearance
• The repair and/or replacement of architectural elements that are original to the design of the building, or are like the architectural style of the building and surrounding buildings
• Other items can be considered if they meet the general intent and spirit of grant.
Downtown Woodstock has provided 23 façade grants and 2 development grants since the inception of the program which has leveraged over $250,000 in enhancements to 25 Downtown businesses and properties. Woodstock is proud to be reinvesting in our members and member businesses!
As well as Downtown Woodstock’s investment in business members, the BIA Board was also supported the new municipal park on Chapel Street by providing a $10,000 investment in support of this public space.
In 2019, due to limited resources the Board of the BIA has decided to place the Façade Grant Program on hold in 2019 however will be offering a new business development grant for entrepreneurs who want to open a location in the boundaries of the Downtown BIA. New businesses can access a grant of 50% to a maximum of $1000 to assist with interior renovations or façade eligible projects prior to or 45 days after opening. This list is not all encompassing; other modifications may be considered. Contact Downtown Woodstock for more information on this grant program.
If you are interested in applying for a “New Business Grant” please contact us via this website on the Contact Us section.